Why did Allah create people?

 – He did not create us for fun: “We did not create heaven, earth and everything in between, amusing themselves” [Quran 21:16] “Did you really think that we created you for fun and that you will not be returned to us?” [Quran 23: 115].

 And He did not create us, because He needs someone or something: “I do not want any inheritance from them and I do not want them to feed me” [Quran 51: 57]; “Allah does not need worlds” [Quran 3:97].

He created us so that we would know Him through His beautiful names and attributes and worship Him alone without associating with partners, following His commands and leaving that which He forbids:  “I created jinn and people only in order to they worshiped Me”[Quran 51:56].

 – It’s still not clear. Why did Allah create people?

 – You know, I don’t understand physics well. And if I ask a physicist why a glass falls to the ground, if you let go of it, he will answer that this is the law of universal gravitation, which says that the force F of gravitational attraction between two material points of mass m1 and m2, separated by a distance R, is proportional to both masses and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. I will not understand anything from what has been said, but I will confidently know that if I decide to go out for a walk through the window, I will fall and hit the ground. In other words, all the above, incomprehensible to me, will happen to me.

 If we do not understand something that already exists and is happening, then we must accept this incomprehensible as a fact. And, perhaps, the words of Ibn al-Qayyim will become a kind of balm for those thinking about this question:  “If Allah lifted the veil for His slave and showed him how He manages his affairs, and how Allah is more interested in the benefits of a slave than himself, his heart would melt out of love for Allah and would be torn to pieces out of gratitude to Him. Therefore, if the pains of this world have tired you, do not grieve, perhaps Allah wants to hear your voice through prayer. So pour out your desires in an earthly bow and forget about them. And know that verily Allah does not forget.”

 And since everything has been created, the important question is not “what was all this created for?”, but “where are we going?” and “what lies ahead?”

 And there is one of two things ahead of us: either heaven or hell

 The first option is intended for those who, in their earthly life, believed in their Creator, worshiped Him, fulfilled His commands and stood aside from prohibitions, which is the meaning of its creation.

 The second option is prepared for those who considered their Creator and everything that came from Him through His Prophets and Scriptures to be a lie. Two options for eternity.

The believer confirms the wisdom in the creation of all things by the Almighty, although he cannot understand it, since his mind is limited in knowledge. And at the same time, he does not dwell on this issue, but looks ahead – to the day of tomorrow, as the Almighty describes it: “Indeed, in the creation of heaven and earth, as well as in the change of night and day, there are signs for those who have reason, who remember Allah standing, sitting and on his side and reflecting on the creation of heaven and earth: “Our Lord! You didn’t do it in vain. You are pure! Protect us from torment in the Fire ”[Quran 3: 190-191].