The completeness of the religion of Islam

Allah Almighty said (translation of the meanings):

“Today, for your sake, I have perfected your religion, brought My mercy to you to the end, and approved Islam for you as a religion.”
[Quran 5: 3]

• Imam al-Dhahabi said:

“Everything that was introduced into religion after the revelation of this ayah is unnecessary, an addition and an innovation!”

See al-Siyar 18/509.

• Ibn Majishun related that Imam Malik said:

“The one who introduced an innovation to Islam, considering it good, claims that Muhammad did not convey the message, and Allah says: “ Today I have completed your religion for you. ” And what was not religion then will not be religion today! “

See “Tahzib al-furuk” 4/225, “al-I’tisam” 1/64.