
Imam Muslim in his collection “Sahih Muslim” narrates the following hadith:

“The one who (intentionally) killed himself with something metallic, will end up in hell forever, repeating the act of suicide there. Anyone who (deliberately) consumes deadly poison and kills himself will remain forever in hellfire, repeating the act of suicide. Anyone who (intentionally) throws himself off the mountain and kills himself will remain in hellfire forever, repeating the act of suicide there. “

• Imam Mula Ali al-Qari, commenting on this hadith, writes the following:

“Imam at-Tibiy said:

“The hadith is about those suicides who believed that this was permissible. If we consider that the hadith concerns all suicides, then the words “eternity” , “infinity” mean a long stay in hell ””

See: Mirkat al-Mafatih sharh Mishkat al-Masabih, vol. 7, p. 12.