Sheikh Albani’s Admonition on Hearing and Sitting with Ahlul Bid’a

Sheikh al-Albani (may Allah have mercy on him) said :

“O my brother, the problem of young people today, as we say in Sham:“ One stick gathers them, and the other drives them away. ”They (the youth) have ceased to understand that knowledge has its owners. And for them, everyone who speaks BEAUTIFULLY is the OWNER of KNOWLEDGE and is worthy of attention, but IT’S WRONG, hence confusion and confusion and so on. Therefore, we encourage young people: “Do not listen to anyone talking, screaming or calling for ” .

That is why I sometimes like the manifestation of strictness in some predecessors. So what is it?
This is a prohibition to argue (and sit down) with adherents of innovations, since they feared for themselves (temptations). This is one of the great (examples) for us.

Someone from those present said: “After all, they said stealing thoughts, but weak hearts.”
Yes, that’s right, because maybe some thoughts will fall into their hearts from the side of the disputant through the lies of the heretic.
What kind of heart are we talking about?
About the hearts of scientists! And what can you expect from the hearts of ordinary people ?!
Therefore, my brother, it is not allowed to listen or argue with them, but tell them, ‘there are scientists and there are seekers of knowledge, if you want to meet with them and talk.
We do not know what you are talking about, we (unfortunately) every day see a new (delusion in) religion and, then a new opinion, and all this proves that the correct doctrine has not been established in the hearts of people. “

Audio cassette number 19.