Advice to the Saddened
from Sa’d ibn Abi Uakkas, may Allah be pleased with him, is what the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The prayer of Zun-n-nun, when he called out in the belly of the whale:“ There is no true God but You! You are pure (from shortcomings)! Truly, I was one of the unjust. ” Indeed, no matter what person, being a Muslim, would not cry out through this prayer in anything [that he needs], then Allah will certainly answer him . “
Sahih al-jami 3383.
لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
La ilaha illa Ant, subhanaka, inni kuntu min az-zalimin .
Allah Almighty said:
And We answered him [Yunus] (to his prayer) and saved him from (this) grief. And this is how We save the believers. (21:88)
Ibn Kathir said: “And so We save the believers” – i.e. “When they suffer troubles and humbly cry to Us with this prayer, during the grief that befell them.”
Ibn Jawzi said:
Whoever faced trouble and wants to eliminate it, let him imagine it to be greater than it is, and then it will weaken. Let him present a reward for her and she will disappear altogether. Let him imagine the onset of even greater trouble and see even profit in the fact that only this trouble has come. Let him think about her soon leaving. If it wasn’t for the hard times, periods of joy would not be so welcome.
Let him know that the trouble will remain with him for as long as the guest remains, so let him take care of him every minute. And then he leaves so quickly and so nicely praises, rejoices in meetings and calls you hospitable.
Let the believer be the same with trouble. It is necessary to save time and devote it to caring for the state of the soul and observing the organs of the body: to be afraid that a word will come from the language, and indignation from the heart. And now the dawn of the reward has dawned, the night of trouble has dissipated, and the traveler is praised for overcoming the darkness. When the sun of reward rises, he will already reach the station of salvation.
Sayd al-Khatyr, 75 pages