Shy Hijab

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “Every religion has a basic moral quality, and the character of Islam is shyness.”

“As-sahiha”, No. 940

Oh shy Muslim sister! Indeed, Allah has charged you with the obligation to cover yourself with a “Hijab” – a veil that will cover your body and head from the looks of strangers. You must obey this command of your Creator, in which a great blessing is hidden for you. Let it be known to you that in Arabic the word “al-haya” (shyness) comes from the stem “al-hayat” (life). Rain is also called “life”, as it brings life to the earth, plants, animals. And the one who has no shyness is lifeless in this world and will remain the same in the eternal world. Shyness is one of the most striking traits of a person’s character, which removes him from depravity, protects him from immorality and a tendency to commit bad sins. This quality of the soul encourages virtue and becomes the reason for the acquisition of beautiful morality. “Shyness brings nothing but good” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim). Wearing a hijab will bring you many benefits. Some of them, if Allah wishes, we will mention in our article.


Allah Almighty ordered to obey Him and His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, saying: “For a believing man and a believing woman, there is no choice when making a decision, if Allah and His Messenger have already made a decision” [Quran, 33:36]. This verse testifies to the fact that wearing the hijab is an expression of submission to the Almighty, since this command comes from Himself. The Almighty says: “Tell the believing women to lower their gaze and protect their genitals. Let them not flaunt their adornments, except for those that are visible, and let them cover the cutout on the chest with their veils. ” [Quran 24:31]. He also says: “O Prophet! Tell your wives, your daughters and the women of believing men to pull down their veils. “[Quran 33:59]. It follows from these verses that outsiders have no right to see the body and hair of a woman. The only exceptions are the woman’s face and hands.


The one who longs for the mercy and contentment of her Creator should try to faithfully fulfill His command – to cover her head with a hijab and her body with clothes. After all, this obedience will also testify to the fullness of her faith. After all, Allah Almighty issued a command to wear a hijab only to believing women, saying: “Tell the believing women” [Quran 24:31]. Once women from the Tamim tribe, who were wearing thin robes, went to the mother of the faithful Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her. Seeing them, Aisha told them: “If you are Muslim believers, then this is not the dress that befits you! And if you are unbelievers, then use it! “

See Tafsir al-qurtubi, 14/244.


Islam commands a woman to observe a righteous lifestyle and adhere to moral purity, moving away from forbidden passions and temptations. Even our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, turned to Him with the following words: “I ask you for faithful guidance, fear of God and forbearance (from passions and vicious deeds)” (narrated by Muslim, 2721). Telling others about the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, people said: “He (Muhammad) says: “ Worship Allah alone and do not give Him anything as a partner. Leave the words of your fathers (in which there is an urge to polytheism and wickedness). He tells us to stand up for prayers, observe truthfulness and chastity, maintain family ties ” (narrated by Bukhari, 7, and Muslim, 1393).


Allah Almighty explained the wise meaning of the obligatory wearing of the hijab in the following verse: “If you ask them (the Prophet’s wives) for any utensils, then ask them through the veil. So it will be purer for your hearts and their hearts ” [Quran 33:53]. This verse indicates to us the beneficial effect that hijab has on the souls of believing women and on the souls of believing men. Wearing a hijab helps a girl and a woman maintain a pure heart, removes her from temptation and passions, and also serves as a shield to preserve honor and dignity.


People who are far from faith have little fear of Allah and do not seek to get into the paradise gardens of grace and therefore dress only to decorate their bodies and show their status. Those who have the fullness of faith, on the contrary, seek to cover up their nakedness. They hide from the eyes of others those parts of the body that their All-Merciful Creator did not allow them to show. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “Indeed, Allah Almighty is shy and hiding, loves shyness and cover” (narrated by Ya’al ibn Shidad in Al-Irwa, 2335).

When covering, they choose from an innumerable number of decorations and ornaments, only those with which their Lord is pleased. Allah Almighty says: “O sons of Adam! We have sent down to you a garment to cover shameful places and adornments. However, the dress for fear of God is better.” [Quran 7:26]. Their cover is real! It not only hides shameful places and nakedness of the body, but also does not highlight the figure, does not attract the attention of others, is not like men and unbelievers. Their shyness is commendable and sublime, because in this way they become like the best of the human race. So, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, talking about the merits of the Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, said: “Truly, Musa was a shy man who covered his body. And no one saw his skin because of his shyness. “(narrated by Bukhari). If you want to learn more about the merits of wearing the hijab, then knowing about the lives of the righteous predecessors will help you! By studying their stories, you will learn how their shyness and chastity helped them avoid places where men are present, distance themselves from vicious deeds, words and even looks. We will give you one of the best examples of righteous shyness and chastity, which Allah Almighty Himself told about. This is a verse about the daughters of an elder from Madyan: “One of the two women approached him shyly.” [Quran 28:25]. Explaining this verse, Umar al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “She came up shyly, covering her face with her clothes. This girl was not cocky and persistent “

See Tafsir ibn Kassira, 3/384.