Deeds and settlement

Ibn al-Qayyim in the book “Ar-Rukh” quotes from the words of Yazid bin Na’am:

“One girl died of the plague and her father saw her in a dream and asked: “ O daughter, tell me about the other world. ” She replied: “O father, we have come to a great cause. We know, but we cannot do deeds, and you do deeds, but do not know. I swear by Allah, it is more desirable for me that the recitation of “Subhanallah” one or two times or the performance of one or two rak’ahs of prayer be recorded in the scrolls of my deeds, than to get the whole world and everything that is in it ””.

This once again tells the brothers that you need to take advantage of any good deed, even if it weighs in a mustard seed. After all, Ali may Allah be pleased with him said: “Today there is an act and there is no calculation, and tomorrow (if we die), then there will be a calculation, and there will be no opportunity to commit an act.”