The danger of hypocrisy (nifak)

Hypocrisy (nifak) is a dangerous disease and a great crime. Nifak is a manifestation of Islam, but the concealment of unbelief within. Hypocrisy is more dangerous than unbelief and the punishment for it is worse, because it is kufr in the guise of Islam. The harm of hypocrisy is stronger than the harm of kufr, therefore Allah will place the hypocrites in the lowest degree of Hell. Allah Almighty said: “Indeed, the hypocrites will find themselves at the lowest level of Fire, and you will not find an assistant for them” (Surah “Women”, ayah 145).

Hypocrites are constantly in a state of confusion and confusion, plotting and cunning. Their appearance (says that they are) with believing Muslims, and their inner world (that they are) with unbelievers. At one time they are with Muslims, and at another time with unbelievers. Allah Almighty said: “They hesitate between this (faith and unbelief), but they do not belong to either. For the one whom Allah misleads, you will no longer find a way ” (Surah“ Women ”, ayah 143).

Because of the strong corruption of their hearts, the munafiks (hypocrites) are the most rejected of the religion of Allah, as the Lord of the Worlds said: “When they are told:“ Come to what Allah has sent down and to the Messenger, ”you see how hypocrites swiftly turn away from you “ (Surah” Women “, ayah 61).

Their actions are always related to their personal benefit. When they meet believing Muslims, they show signs of faith and love for them, deceiving believers, pretending, hiding their beliefs and hoping to receive benefits and wealth from them. But when they meet their senior and authoritative people, they tell them that they are on the same as they are, on shirk and on kufr. Allah Almighty said about them in the Qur’an: “When they meet believers, they say:” We believed. ” When they are alone with their devils, they say: “Truly, we are with you. We are only making fun of ”. Allah mocks them and increases their iniquity, in which they roam blindly “ (Surah” The Cow “, ayah 14-15).

Hypocrites have their own attributes. The most dangerous and most terrible of them is kufr (disbelief). Allah Almighty said: “When they are told:” Believe as people believed, “they answer:” Do we really believe as fools believed? ” Indeed, it is they who are fools, but they do not know this ” (Surah“ The Cow ”, ayah 13).

Their signs are enmity and envy towards believing Muslims. Allah said: “If you receive good, it grieves them. If you are in trouble, they say: “We took precautions for ourselves in advance.” And they leave, having fun “ (Surah” Repentance “, ayah 50).

Their signs are mockery of Allah, His Messenger and His religion. The Lord of the Worlds said: “If you ask them, they will certainly say:” We were just chatting and having fun. ” Say: “Have you mocked Allah, His verses and His Messenger? Do not apologize. You became unbelievers after you believed. ” If We forgive some of you, then we will certainly torture the rest because they have become sinners ” (Surah“ Repentance ”, verses 65-66).

Also, one of their signs is disorderliness on earth by their unbelief, hypocrisy and sins, as Allah Almighty said about this: “When they are told:” Do not spread wickedness on earth! ” – they answer: “We are the only ones who establish order.” Indeed, they are the ones who spread wickedness, but they do not realize it ” (Surah“ The Cow ”, verses 11-12).

Among their signs are bukhtan (slander) and lies, as Allah said about it: “They swear by Allah that they belong to you. However, they do not belong to you. On the contrary, they are fearful people ” (Surah“ Meal ”, verse 65).

From their signs also – the command to commit the forbidden and caution against committing the approved, as well as stinginess in relation to property. Allah Almighty said about them: “Hypocrites and hypocrites are alike. They order to do what is reprehensible, forbid what is approved, and clasp their hands (they are stingy to make donations). They consigned Allah to oblivion, and He consigned them to oblivion. Truly, hypocrites are wicked! ” (Surah “Repentance”, ayah 84).

Their signs are greed and greed. Allah Almighty said: “Among them there are those who accuse you because of charity. If they get anything from alms, then they are satisfied, if they don’t get anything, then they get angry ” (Surah“ Repentance ”, ayah 58).

Also from their signs is what the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, explained: “There are four things, if they are signs of a person, he will be a real hypocrite. And whoever has any of these qualities will have a particle of hypocrisy until he leaves it: when he tells, he is lying; when he makes a contract, he acts treacherously; when he promises, he does not keep the promise; when he argues with someone, he oversteps the boundaries of what is permitted (enmity) ”
(Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim).

Of their signs – paying attention to appearance, bad knowledge and embellished speech. Allah Almighty said: “When you look at them, their bodies delight you. When they speak, you listen to their words. They are like leaning logs. They consider every cry to be directed against them. They are enemies – beware of them. May Allah destroy them! How they are turned away from the truth! “
(Surah “The Hypocrites”, ayah 4).

If unbelievers are a clear external enemy, then hypocrites are a hidden internal enemy, and the harm from them is much greater. They are more dangerous for Muslims because they are close to them and know about their situation.

Allah Almighty has predetermined that the path of the unbelievers and the path of the munafiks is the same – to Hell. Allah, great and glorious, said: “Indeed, Allah will gather together all the hypocrites and unbelievers in Gehenna” (Surah “Women”, ayah 140).