Lightheadedness with divorce (talak)

According to Abu Musa al-Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him), it is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

“What happens to people who play with the orders of Allah, saying (to their wives):“ I divorced you, I returned you, divorced you, returned you ”?!”

Ibn Madjah No. 2017

• Explained by Imam al-Sindi (may Allah have mercy on him):

“The words:“ play with the ordinances of Allah ”mean:“ do not attach any importance to this ”. If divorce is hateful to Allah, and legalized for the need of people in it, then its boundaries and establishment are expressed in the fact that a person does not resort to it, except in need. And the frequent use of such words indicates that a person does not attach due importance to these boundaries. And the words: “speaking (to his wives)” indicate that such a person often gives a divorce unnecessarily, moreover, doing this despite the need for a wife, therefore he also often returns her. “

See Hashiya al-Sindi 2/500